Exercise 2 ========== .. note:: Please complete this exercise by **the start of the next lesson**. .. admonition:: Start your assignment **You can start working on your copy of Exercise 2 by** `accepting the GitHub Classroom assignment `__. You can also take a look at at the template repository for `Exercise 2 on GitHub `__ (does not require logging in). Note that you should not try to make changes to this copy of the exercise, but rather only to the copy available via GitHub Classroom. Cloud computing environments ----------------------------- .. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/launch-binder-red.svg :target: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/Geo-Python-2020/Binder/master?urlpath=lab .. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/launch-CSC%20notebook-blue.svg :target: https://notebooks.csc.fi/#/blueprint/7e62ac3bddf74483b7ac7333721630e2 Exercise 2 hints ---------------- Here are a few things that may be helpful in completing Exercise 2. Git ~~~ You can find step-by-step instructions for using Git `in here `__. Remember to commit your changes after each major edit! Also, it's better to push your changes to GitHub every now and then, rather than only at the very end. List methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~ In Problem 2 you will likely need two lists and to use the ``.index()`` method. These were covered in `this week's lesson `__. Indentation woes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We have not really run into this problem in the lessons, but Python codes are sensitive to how much you indent the start of each line. This is perhaps easiest to see with an example. .. code:: python name = 'Dave' dogs = 0 print('My name is', name, 'and I own', dogs, 'dogs.') If you copy and paste this code into the **Jupyter Notebook** cell and run it, you will see that is gives an ``IndentationError``. .. code:: python dogs = 0 ^ IndentationError: unexpected indent We will see examples later of why indentation matters, but for now just be sure you don't indent lines to different levels. Thus, the fix is simply to remove the spaces on the second line. .. code:: python name = 'Dave' dogs = 0 print('My name is', name, 'and I own', dogs, 'dogs.') Now, running the code results in the expected output. .. code:: python My name is Dave and I own 0 dogs.